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Blog sur le changement climatique et la nature
Tap into the expertise of climate scientists and forestry professionals to gain valuable insights and knowledge.
Lisez sur mes lèvres : il n'y a pas que le carbone
L'analyse de rentabilité de la restauration des forêts ne se limite pas à la compensation de l'empreinte carbone. Les chefs d'entreprise et les conseils d'administration modifient aujourd'hui leur façon d'aborder la question du climat, en tenant compte des préférences de leurs différents groupes de parties prenantes en matière d'action climatique - il ne s'agit pas d'une solution unique [...]
Engager les jeunes dans l'action climatique : Défis et solutions
Les jeunes d'aujourd'hui exigent de la crédibilité et un engagement en faveur de l'action contre le changement climatique et disposent de puissants canaux de communication pour influencer le changement en tant que consommateurs et électeurs. Cependant, ils restent sous-représentés dans les tables de décision au niveau mondial. Les jeunes souffrent d'éco-anxiété et de chagrin écologique et apportent des compétences et des perspectives précieuses, nécessaires à l'innovation dans l'économie verte. Créer des opportunités pour les jeunes et faire entendre leur voix est essentiel pour un avenir plus durable et plus prospère, et les dirigeants doivent leur faire de la place dans les tables de décision.
Une jeune femme inspirante et porteuse de changement : Le parcours de Kira, de l'art à l'activisme
Faites la connaissance de Kira, une jeune changeuse inspirante de 6e année qui allie l'art à l'activisme environnemental. Qu'il s'agisse de fabriquer des produits durables inspirés par son amour pour les pins de la baie Georgienne balayés par les vents ou d'être le fer de lance d'initiatives écologiques à l'école Sunnybrook, découvrez comment cette jeune changeuse fait des vagues dans la lutte contre le changement climatique.
Investing in Our Forests as a Path to Reconciliation
Through colonization and displacement, Indigenous people’s political, cultural, educational, and spiritual institutions were annihilated. With that went Indigenous knowledge and traditional stewardship practices. Building a sustainable and inclusive approach to forestry is important in the reconciliation process between Indigenous peoples and settler societies. This blog discusses four key pillars of change: land rights acknowledgement, true collaboration, combining traditional knowledge with innovation, and mutual sustainability and inclusive economy, as important steps towards rebalancing relationships and creating more resilient and biodiverse forests in North America.
In the last few decades, greater attention has been paid to the role of trees in mitigating climate change. We now specifically value trees for their role in capturing carbon in the atmosphere to slow down climate change. Forest planting has become a go-to strategy in striving toward net-zero climate goals and part of the toolkit that is termed “nature-based solutions.” What now needs to be more recognized is the multitude of roles that forests play in our well-being, including helping us adapt to the impacts of climate change.
National Forest Week 2023
Today is the first day of National Forest Week and Canada’s Forest Trust Corporation is marking the occasion by engaging a number of our partners and experts on the topic of the Future of Forests in Canada. Keep an eye on our social posts featuring interviews with a variety of our advisors and sector [...]
Amazon Clicks on Supply Chain Scope 3 Emissions.
The landscape of corporate environmental responsibility is about to experience a seismic shift, with Amazon, the e-commerce titan, leading the charge. In a move that underscores its commitment to a more sustainable future, Amazon has announced it will require its suppliers to report on greenhouse gas emissions starting in 2024. While few details were provided, [...]
The Future of Canada’s Forests Lies in Greater Diversity
In 2007, the Canadian Forest Service division of Natural Resources Canada undertook a study examining the labour market profile and forecast for Canada's Forest Industry. They found that enrollment in Forestry programs had dropped dramatically and that the Forestry sector itself was very "insular." The work centred primarily around logging and timber, and was becoming [...]
National Forest Week + Climate Week NYC – The Future of Forests
While we mark the end of National Forest Week in Canada, we also acknowledge that #ClimateWeekNYC has made the news for a number of good reasons this week. Since its inception in 2009, Climate Week NYC has grown from a shoestring series of small panel discussions to a weeklong "can't miss" event. One of this [...]
Our take on the Coalition for a Better Future’s first-ever Scorecard Report
On March 7, the Coalition for a Better Future launched “Canada at a Turning Point,” the Scorecard Report — an update on how Canada is faring on 21 economic, social, and environmental indicators. They group these indicators into three themes: Winning Globally, Growing Sustainably, and Living Better. As it turns out, we’re doing well in
World Wildlife Day Calls for Canadian Forests
Canada is home to about 80,000 species. Canada’s Boreal Forest alone is host to over 85 species of mammals and 32,000 insects. An estimated 3 billion birds breed in the boreal forest each year and as the largest intact forest on earth, many other species rely on the Boreal forest for their habitat, food and shelter. Across Canada, many species face numerous threats to survival.
Growing Canada’s Green Economy, with Indigenous Leadership at the Centre
Growing up in the north has been an incredible privilege, so much so that after 30 years, I’ve returned to help repatriate our First Nation, Sand Point, located on the southeast shores of Lake Nipigon. The people of Bingwi Neyaashi Anishinaabek have been occupying these lands since time immemorial. In more recent times, the people [...]
Cultiver un avenir sain lors de la 9e conférence annuelle de Forests Ontario
I’m heading to Forests Ontario’s 9th Annual Conference February 16-17. Here are a few things I’m looking forward to… The theme of this Forests Ontario Conference is “Growing a Healthy Tomorrow,” focusing on the integral role nature and forests play in our everyday lives. This two-day event will bring together a wide variety of academics, forestry, conservation and biodiversity experts, Indigenous innovators, business leaders, sustainability professionals and government policymakers […]
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