Our take on the Coalition for a Better Future’s first-ever Scorecard Report

How CFT is playing a role in creating sustainable, inclusive economic growth

Author: Gary Zed, Founder & CEO, Canada’s Forest Trust Corporation

On March 7, the Coalition for a Better Future launched “Canada at a Turning Point,” the Scorecard Report — an update on how Canada is faring on 21 economic, social, and environmental indicators.

They group these indicators into three themes: Winning Globally, Growing Sustainably, and Living Better. 

As it turns out, we’re doing well in some areas and are lagging behind in others. The Coalition was formed mid-pandemic, during the summer of 2021. Led by Co-Chairs the Hon. Lisa Raitt and the Hon. A. Anne McLellan, the group was seized with the idea that the global chaos ushered in by the Covid-19 virus acerbated existing challenges, as much as it created new ones for Canada.

But it also introduced an opportunity to bring together different groups to pull towards a common goal: inclusive, sustainable economic growth. The Coalition was formed  “to reject the idea that slow growth and stagnation were inevitable” while challenging the false dichotomy between doing good by people, the planet, and a thriving economy. 

In many ways, the goals of the Coalition echo the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals but focus sharply on Canada’s unique circumstances. The first step toward building a more prosperous, inclusive and sustainable future for all Canadians, they argue, is “to embrace a much higher level of economic ambition for our country.”

Obviously, this is something that Canada’s Forest Trust Corporation is aligned with. But a key takeaway from the Coalition’s new report was that reaching net zero will play a key role in Canada’s economic growth. In the report, we see incredible opportunities for Canada in this area. 

CFT is happy to be playing a big part in this. 

In the first report on how we are doing, the Coalition points out that accelerating progress to net-zero goals is a key driver of economic prosperity. 

The Coalition highlights that Canada’s share of electricity production from renewables is higher than most and that opportunities exist to exploit carbon capture and other technologies to facilitate the transition for the oil and gas sector. 

We see additional opportunities too. Here are five:

In its conclusion, the Coalition’s first report points out that Canada is “a human resource powerhouse.” To that, I would add that Canadians have a lot of ambition, creativity and appetite to contribute to a competitive green economy. Whenever and wherever that can be encouraged and supported, we will make great strides toward our desired future.


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